R u born to be a LEADER or a FOLLOWER....

Leader- Who leads
Follower-Who follows.......

Maximum number of people in this world are born FOLLOWERS and few are born as LEADERS.....

Leaders can't be made but only can be become a leader you need to have some qualities which is from birth or inherited qualities....Its not possible that on a bright sunny morning you decide to be a LEADER and from that afternoon u r a leader...not at all possible.....If we compare some of the great leaders like Hitler,Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mussolini etc...we will find some common traits which are there in these great leaders.So wht r these traits.....well i ll summarize these traits as follows........

· The capacity to create or catch vision.
· A willingness to take responsibility.
· Mental toughness.· Peer respect.
· Motivational skills.
· Good communication skills·
. Confidence
. Courage and integrity are at the core of successful leader.

To be a leader a person needs to think out of the box....he need to have ideas which motivate people and drive them towards a constructive a great advertisement says "AN IDEA CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE".
Leaders just don't follow, they tell people to follow and they LEAD BY EXAMPLE....with good communication skills BORN LEADERS motivate people according to their wish...they have the charisma and as well as confidence in them......
Hitler the charismatic personality who shook the world.....however some leaders like Mahatma Gandhi didn't have a charismatic personality(with a lean n food deprived figure), but he was able to make indians think out of the box and drive them with an intense urge of freedom...and now he is called as THE FATHER of NATION(though i personally disbilieve)........

So frnz DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU ......sit for few moments in solitude and think if u can be a leader and do u have traits in you.......


Chris Newham said...

I wonder if leader and follower are as distinct as you describe. I find I lead in some situations and follow in others. Don't you?

tanayesh said...

thnx 4 ur comment....but i wld say tht whn u lead in some situations, this shows ur inherited leadership qualities....but whn u follow others, u choose a easier path because u forgot ur inherited leadership qualities....itz easier to follow the trails of an unknown path rather than leaving the trails behind for other on an unknown path