Blog--A New Era of Journalism

Blog---The recent techno word in the world of internet. Well so what is it?

Blog is a space almost like a website which is hosted by some sites and given away to people to rant about anything they wish. And yes itz absolutely free and irz almost like a personal site.

In the recent months there had been an upsurge of these blogs also called as BLOGOSPHERE, where people rant about their personal lives, against their govt, against terrorism and also updating their blogs with the latest news as it happens.

So what role can BLOGS play in the field of journalism.The best example can be of the blogs of the soldiers at the front in IRAQ. If u do a google search u can come up with such blogs of American soldiers in IRAQ wherein they post the latest and the true version of the war against SADDAM and TERRORISM in IRAQ all unadultrated.

Blogs can be used to post the views of the citizens of a country raising their voice against their GOVERNMENT or any kind of corruption in their country.The recent history have seen many such blogs which have actually raised a voice against many evil things of a particular GOVT.

One of the latest being the banning of personal blogs of the students of a AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, where the students wrote against their university and the AMERICAN govt.

Such is the power of BLOG.

Blogs can also be used to post the latest happenings of a particular place in concern by a journalist to his news agent in a matter of seconds.

Well keep on blogging and let the world know the power of blogs. The sites where you can create ur blogs are and

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is also......blogdrive n the new rediffilands.....
n ofcourse u have msn spaces n geocities personal pages...:-)
nice blog...