CRIMINALS-By the People,For the People and of.....

DEMOCRACY-By the people, For the People and Of the people......but has democracy lost itz true ethos in the current world....may be the voting system still emphasises on the same ,however if the poeple to be elected are such that they are good for nothing,how can we think of a good and robust democracy......

If we see the current list of the ministers in the LOk SABHA of India we will find atleast 30% of the politicians had previous crminal records.....not only criminal records they are academically and knowledge challenged people, who don't the ABC of politics....forget about managing their own constituency.....

The recent increase of quota system in the PG courses shows very clearly that the only thing the ministers know is that how to increase their VOTE BANK without thinking of the long term impact on the country.....In the current corporate scenario where the economy of India is booming the step is a backward step to regress the economy of India and to progress the vote bank....

Its high time that the ELECTION COMMISSION of India take this issues of Criminals in the PARLIAMENT or the time wouldn't be far enough when instead of Politicians we will have criminals in the parliament....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are lots of issues But I think selection should be more based on Academic qualification.