Play With Words

Verbose----Do you knw wht does it mean?.....well exactly the meaning is that you have to play with your your words......

In this world of corporates you will be able to hear and see it everywhere-from HR managers to your DEADLY boss....They promise a lot but give hardly anything to you.....You make a fool out of your client or the people you deal with in your day to day life...i call it HYPOCRITES....when you can't do a thing for someone why do u make him believe that.....

The biggest CON MAN i would say in any corporates are the HR managers...they promise you with lotz of things and make you believe that the company you are working for is a HEAVEN, however it turns out to be a real HELL when you survive in that Company.....

A GOLDEN RULE----When people at your corporations saysomething that has "IF' or "BUT" or "HOWEVER" you can be rest assured what ever you are said will not be implemented or not be done.....

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