OLD PEOPLE-The Building Blocks

Old People-Not the past of our society but the Future of our Present generation…….

Itz so heartening to see that the present generation –called as the GENERATION XYZ neglects the old people. They think that the old people are good for nothing and they are burden to their growth and their fast way of living.

Today’s world is full of Old-age homes. The present generation believes in keeping their parents and grand-parents in the old age homes rather than taking care of them at homes.Itz so heartening to see the old people at the old age homes and sharing their thoughts about children and their lives to each other. The present generation thinks that the old age homes can take care of them efficiently than them. The old people wait in the old age homes n wait for their end of lives.

Is it for this that our old parents nurture n bring up their children in the best possible way?

A WORD of CAUTION---The senior citizens are not good for nothing but they are the structural pillars of the present generation.

I would like to ask the present generation How would they feel if their children also sent them to the old age homes when they grow old as if discarding an old piece of furniture which is of no use?

There is a lot to learn from these senior citizens (the old people).They have seen the world for more number of years than we have seen. They have experienced a lot than we have.They know how to lead a balanced life.But who will make understand the present generation that the older generation are a store house of knowledge.

We should try to keep our old parents happy as much as we can as this will benefit us. We can learn the life surviving skills from them and will ultimately help us to build a stronger generation.

So dear frnz plz don’t send ur old parents to old-age homes and instead keep them home n nurture them and try to fertilize ur life with the knowledge of them.

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