US soldiers----WAKE UP!!!!!!

Death, adversities, molestation , hunger ,hatred ,explosions ,corrupt politicians ,political turmoil----what do these words remind u of ?

some country where the war against a so called dictator is going on for the last two years for a SINGLE MAN'S interest. Yes ur right i m talkin of the present scenario in IRAQ.

It all started with a phrase WMD (Weapons of Mass Destructions)....and the starter the president of one of the largest economy GEORGE W BUSH.....He declared to the world that IRAQ and the so called a terroist dictator SADDAM HUSSEIN possess them....all rubbish...and George Bush started a long term war for the cause of the world!!(pun intended) only to make the people know that its not for the world but for personal interest......

I want to ask the brave US soldiers in IRAQ---whom are they dying for?...a hypocrate...who says something and does something?...

Why disturb the whole political scenario of IRAQ for personal interest...what right has GEORGE BUSH got to decide what is good for the citizens of other country and who is the right person to lead the country? this the born right or a self proclaimed right just because he is the PRES of USA and UN is under his control....

If the people of IRAQ are so distressed under SADDAM why didn't they try to overrule him in the last 20years...probably atleast they are content that they are not slaves of US....if they really didn't want SADDAM a populations of millions is sufficient to over rule him...isn't it?

What they have done with TALIBANS is fine but why with IRAQ....the terrorist took birth from the muslims countries of the middle east and atleast not from IRAQ in large numbers.....after the occupation of US in IRAQ the situation has worsened there....Explosions in cars,human bombs etc are a common place now..atleast it was not so before.....

If US has the ability to destroy some rule they should also have the ability to restore a BETTER RULING POWER.....however its not the case....more than two years still not a stable government has been established in IRAQ....WHY?????......

GEORGE W BUSH knew the real fact underlying the war -not the WMDs but the OIL-WELLS.....he sends a million soldiers to die in a unknown land just for money so important to him than the lives and families of the Innocent soldiers ?.......
George Bush is the real dictator and not Saddam who is dictating his rules on IRAQ and UN....he should be born in the era of Napolean....atleast in that ways he could be remembered in the history.....what the citizens nd the soldiers are going to teach their children about?...about a person who loved blood of the innocents than love.....who mde their fathers to die for his sole interest....huh!!!!

The Real Hypocrate and the Killer- GEORGE W BUSH

US soldiers stop this war and why die for such a person like GEORGE W BUSH?.......Atleast the Dead Iraqi soldiers are MARTRYS who died to save their country from a foreign power...but US soldiers won't be even remembered as why die???

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